Decorating the Office for Christmas Countdown!
Okay, I promised you pictures of Lil Sock and I decorating Sandra’s office. Well, things didn’t turn out quite as well as we’d hoped, which is why I didn’t get back to you as planned. Plus, Sandra and I had to take Granny for coffee and shopping. This is Granny with me at Dazbog. They have really good hot cocoa there. Sandra and I had peppermint in ours. Gran
ny had a latte of some kind. I get too confused with the fancy coffee names so I can’t tell you what kind of latte. Back to decorating.
As you can see here, Lil Sock enlisted the help of another Christmas Sock Monkey who lives in Sandra’s office. I think the idea was to untangle the lights, but instead they tangled them around each other. I have to tell you, it is really hard keeping these two on task. They got really excited at one point and just had on GREEN Christmas lights. Of course, someone chose that moment to take my picture. I look like some crazy space alien or something. I don’t think green is my best color. It’s cool for Kermit the Frog, but not so much for Sock Monkeys.
Believe it or not, we climb all over the bulletin boards and monitor hanging lights, they decided it was cool to be in the office. They even made me clip them to the monitor so they could hang around like a couple of ‘real’ monkeys. As you can see, some of the issues with decorating were because Sandra has such a messy office. I think Santa should bring her a professional organizer for Christmas. She needs one.
There was one thing still missing from the office. You guessed it. A Christmas tree. Granny is really getting up there and didn’t want to put one up this year. I don’t know why. The one she had you don’t even put together, just pull it out of the bag. It’s even got the lights permanently attached. Sheesh! But, it worked out for us because she let us have it for Sandra’s office. It fit perfectly next to the printer. That way she doesn’t have any excuse about not working. It isn’t ON her computer or the printer. She has several projects in the works so I can’t cut her any slack. If she want’s Christmas day off, she needs to get busy! A Munkee can only do so much.
The really great news is we got the technical difficulties at my house fixed. That means the next post will be about more of my holiday activities.
What kind of holiday activities are you up to? Have you decorated yet or do you wait until closer to Christmas? Inquiring Sock Munkees want to know!
Until next time, this is SMJ signing off.
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