Where Romance and Suspense Collide

Tag: books (Page 2 of 2)

Preview about upcoming Blog Guest Post

Hi everyone! Happy New Year!

Coffee Break Guide to Business Plans copy

I’m gearing up for an exciting, busy, energizing, focused, prosperous, and enjoyable new year, what about you?

Do you have lots of resolutions? If not, lots of plans both business or personal? Have you figured out how to make the most of your time, talent, and money? OR, are you still wringing your hands hoping next year will be smoother seas?

I hate to burst your bubble, but it isn’t likely. Life happens. It isn’t always easy or pretty. It usually smells like a gym  rather than a rose garden. However, there are ways to make it less stress-filled and more joy-filled.

Take my first blog guest for the year, Amy Denim. Amy is the author of the Coffee Break Series of books to help writers with the ‘business’ side of writing. That is, the part of writing most of us creative types resist – promotion, scheduling, deadlines, goals. She does it in a very comfortable, laid-back style that is easy to read and almost easier to understand. I say almost because I still struggle with putting myself into the business cage, but I’ll admit, Amy makes it easier.

I’m about halfway through “The Coffee Break Guide to Business Plans for Writers,” and have already filled out some of the forms she lets you download for free! Her conversational style makes you feel like she is sitting right beside you guiding you each step of the way. How comforting is that? It’s like having your own personal business planner only better.

Why better, you ask? Because instead of someone doing it for you, you LEARN, really learn how to do it yourself. I don’t know about you, but I always feel such a sense of accomplishment when I learn something new. Add to that, the fact that this is about making my business (yes, according to Amy, I AM a business) successful. Who could ask for more than that?

So, folks, click on the book cover to the left. That will take you to Amazon where you can buy Amy’s new book for just 99 cents. Yep, you read that right. 99 cents through tomorrow. I guess she wants everyone to have an opportunity to set up their business plan before the year gets too busy and at a super fantastic price!

Then, after you’ve bought the book, start reading it. As I said, I’m already about halfway through it (and no, I bought it – I didn’t ask her for one because she would be doing my blog). While you’re reading it, jot down any questions you might have because Amy will be here on Thursday, January 2nd to answer all of your questions. If you don’t buy the book before her ‘blog appearance,’ that’s fine, her post will give you more inspiration to set up a business plan and then you will want to buy it.

Stop back by on January 2nd for Amy’s post – Five Reasons YOU Need an Author Business Plan. She will  give a copy of the book in the winner’s choice of Kindle or paperback, too. There’s another reason to stop by!

Now, sorry, but I have to get back to reading the book so I can ask more questions.

Happy reading!


Sock Munkee Jr. is catching up before the next release!

Are you excited about the upcoming release, Sock?

Are you all caught up with the series? No? well, why not take this weekend to catch up so you know all the players who may appear in the next book. Not sure which books are in the series. Let’s see….

What was the first book in the Colorado Skies Series?


That’s right, Sock! It was Dream Stalker. If you click on the picture of Sock Munkee Jr. holding a copy of Dream Stalker, you’ll see the YouTube video for it. Dream Stalker is available at these fine retailers:

SmashwordsCreateSpace - An Amazon CompanyDream Stalker - Sandra S. Kerns

Rose Cover

Okay, we’ve got the 1st book in the series. The 2nd is Rose of Steele.  This is a must read as at least one of the characters from Rose makes an appearance in The Butterfly Connection. No, I’m not going to tell you which one. You’ll have to figure that one out on your own. Of course, I have the handy links for you to purchase right here:      Smashwords        CreateSpace - An Amazon CompanyRose of Steele - Sandra S. Kerns


Okay, Sock, I gave you that one. Do you remember the 3rd book in the series?

009That’s right, Sock, it’s Callaghan’s Conundrum!  

I ‘ve heard you have a conundrum of your own. Can you tell us about it?

Oh, I see, you’re trying to figure out how to read all the stories before the new one comes out. Well, I see some late nights reading in front of the fireplace in your future. Just don’t tell your mom I said you could stay up that late. Here are the links to pick up Callaghan’s Conundrum.    Smashwords  CreateSpace - An Amazon Company    Callaghan's Conundrum - Sandra S. Kerns



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Don’t forget, you can pre-order The Butterfly Connection so you can start reading it before anyone else on November 12th! That way you’ll be ready for the contest I’ll be posting on release day. So be sure and check back for a chance to win an autographed copy of The Butterfly Connection and other prizes.

Until we post again,

Happy Reading everyone!

SMJ Wants YOU to Read

SMJ Chilling at Home.jpgSock Munkee Jr, checking in with all my blog and Facebook friends. I’ve been having a lot of fun this summer. I hope you have too, and I promise there will be more summer pictures of my adventures posted soon.

But first,

SMJ Dressed for Marketing Mtg.jpg

we need to get some important business out of the way. See, I even have a tie on, so this is important. Pay attention.


I’m sure you’ve heard my aunt’s next book is coming out soon. I do mean soon, it will be available on September 3rd, though you can pre-order it now by clicking one of the links below. Here’s a picture of me holding the proof copy. Cool cover, huh?

008     A Daring Proposal - Sandra S. KernsSmashwords  Kobo


  As you may know … I am an avid reader.  I’ve read all of my aunt’s books. Like Callaghan’sConundrum. You could pick it up and read it while you wait for A Daring Proposal to pop-up on your e-reader next week. You won’t be disappointed.


Sam Callaghan planned a quiet holiday weekend with his son. Then he got a call from his partner about a sniper at a local mall. You know what they say about the best made plans, yep, they usually get blown out of the water. See what happens to Sam and the rest of the characters in Callaghan’s Conundrum on a holiday weekend in Colorado.

I really want to encourage you to pick up a book, even if it isn’t one of my aunt’s, and get lost in a good story. There’s nothing like it. Until my next post . . .

Happy Reading everyone!                                                                                                                                                                                           SMJ



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