I am thrilled to post about my friend Cynthia’s new release, Redeemed by a Rebel the first book in her new series, Destiny in Deadwood. Cynthia is an Amazon Bestselling Western Author among other genres. Please take a moment to check out her note below.![Redeemed by a Rebel 300 dpi](http://cynthiawoolf.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/Redeemed-by-a-Rebel-300-dpi-196x300.jpg)
I’m so pleased to announce the release of my new book, Redeemed by a Rebel. This is the first book in the Destiny in Deadwood series. Although I was inspired to write the book because I fell in love with the TV series Deadwood, that’s where the similarities end. I don’t have any of the language like they did in the miniseries or anywhere near the amount of sex, although there is some. 🙂
Becky Finnegan will do anything to escape her drunken father’s fists, including slave away at their mine. Her only hope is to strike gold and make a new life for herself somewhere far, far away from Deadwood. But then Jake arrives and does the unthinkable…forces her to feel, to hope…and to love.
Here is a link to Cynthia’s website for a quick excerpt: Redeemed by a Rebel
Here are the buy links if you’re ready to take the plunge:
Amazon – http://amzn.com/B00I1GZAU0
Barnes & Noble – http://tinyurl.com/klf5546
Google Play –https://play.google.com/store/books/details/Cynthia_Woolf_Redeemed_by_a_Rebel?id=OXGpAgAAQBAJ&hl=en
All Romance eBooks – https://www.allromanceebooks.com/product-redeemedbyarebel-1404938-158.html
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