Where Romance and Suspense Collide

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What I Learned this Morning

wakeupI admit; I’m a morning person. Ask my sister, she’s probably wanted to throw shoes at my head since I was five. FYI, she’s NOT a morning person. IF I set an aalarm clocklarm, I pop out of bed when it goes off and the day begins. The idea about staying in bed after the alarm and easing into my day doesn’t work. My brain immediately starts listing all of the things I could be doing and the ‘ease’ part of the scenario goes out the window. Hitting snooze i s a sacrilege in my book (hubby does not agree). If I wanted to sleep for fifteen more minutes, I would have set the alarm for fifteen minutes later. Just doesn’t make sense to interrupt my sleep with an alarm so I can get a few more winks.

teaSo, I hit the floor and am ready to roll. This does not mean I want noise, conversation, or company at that time, just that I am up and mobile. I may be a morning person, but I am not, as a rule, a loud one. I like to fix my tea (yes, coffee drinking friends, I start out the day with tea, coffee comes later) and head downstairs to quietly start clearing out the ‘busyness’ (read as email and other social media, etc.) that built up overnight. Then feed the dog at 6:30, refill my teacup, eat some breakfast (although that sometimes comes much later), send hubby off to his job (he doesn’t get to work from home as I do), and head back downstairs to write.???????????

Sounds great, right? Here’s the problem – some days I pop out of bed with a headache. Even a small just letting you know I’m here headache can set a bad tone for my day.

nanoThis is where the ‘What I Learned this Morning’ part comes in.

Today was such a day. I woke up a minute or two before the dog. I rolled over debating the merits of trading my warm bed for getting tea in a cold kitchen and BAM – it hit me. No, no, no, no, no! I do not have time for a headache today. It’s Thanksgiving week for crying out loud. I have an upcoming promotional event this weekend, a novella due to my editor, pies to bake, soup to make, NANOWRIMO to catch-up on, a scuba class, an the list goes on. I don’t have TIME for a danged headache.

I climb out of bed, grumbling in my head and put the tea water on to boil in my electric teapot. After letting the dog out, and popping 3 aspirin, I pour the now ready water into my cup that holds 2 Morning Thunder Celestial Seasonings and 1 Green Tea with Ginger, teabags (both contain ample amounts of caffeine) and let it steep for a minute. While I wait, I pick up FullSizeRender (4)the Sunset magazine that came in the mail last week and is still sitting on the kitchen table unread. I walk back to the counter and stand beside my steeping tea hoping proximity will pull some of the caffeine into my system. I start thumbing through the magazine and find an article about living a ‘celebrity’ life for a day. Intrigued, I set the magazine on the stovetop and start reading.

Half a cup of tea and ten minutes later, I smile and chuckle. As I close the magazine, I realize my headache is gone. What’s more? I’m relaxed. Hmmm, maybe there is something to this easing into the day.

There you have it; what I learned this morning. Sometimes, I don’t have to rush into the day. Point of fact, I may end up getting more done than expected (or required) because I feel well and relaxed. MAYBE, taking that ten extra minutes to read something fun rather than actually doing something I’m supposed to was smarter than I ever imagined.

Maybe and maybe not, you decide. Here’s my overall take on the situation.

Tea (or coffee) + slow time focused on something unimportant = no headache + positive attitude + more energy to do the important things.

Author Sandra KernsI’m taking it under advisement. More testing of the hypothesis is probably required, but I’m feeling pretty good about the outcome. I’m ready to get to work!

Have a great day everyone! If you don’t happen to have a Sunset magazine to pick up, you can check out one of my books by clicking on this link: Published Novels.  Or check out #beezeebooks for all kinds of books from myself and other authors.

Happy reading!


A UK Review

No, I didn’t make a typo, I meant the UK. I have a reader in the UK who posted a review on Facebook. I asked her permission to post it so everyone could see it. She graciously agreed. In fact, she said she was thrilled! (She also gave it 5 Stars on the Amazon UK site!)

Without further ado, here is the post regarding my new release, Her Master Diver, by my FAVOURITE UK reader, Michelle.


Michelle Cutting Another great book Sandra Kerns. I started it before bed last night and finished it on my commute to work this morning! I really enjoyed Blaze’s story and the appearance of a few familiar faces!!! Now if you could just write the next one please!!!

The Next Masters Man

Are you ready for a Spanish treat? Well, here he is, Lazaro Atwater Menendez-Buffington, but you can call him Buff. I’ll turn the floor (blog) over to him. Enjoy!

Let me puLazaroBLOGt your first question to rest now. No, my nickname is not because I think I’m buff. It’s because my last name was a mouthful growing up, so my friends started calling me Buff. My mother thought it cute, she was a mom, of course she did. My father hated it, he’s a bit of a snob. That was enough for my brother and me to use it all the time.

As you can probably tell from my full name I’m part Spanish and part English. To be honest, I’m all American, but people tend to latch onto ancestry so there it is. My mother was quite a pistol. Full of fire and spirit. She loved to have fun. My father, not so much. He could kill a good time as fast as my mother could start one. As you can imagine, there was never a dull or quiet moment in our house. Until mom died when I was just starting middle school. After that, life was structured, quiet, and not much fun.

It took a long time for me to get out from under my father’s thumb. My brother, Martin, was amazed I lasted as long as I did. He always knew I didn’t belong in the family firm. I love two things (besides my brother); history and scuba diving. When I figured out how to put the two together, there was no way I could stay stuck in an office any longer. I quit the firm in NYC and moved to Florida to pursue my real passion, underwater archaeology.

I have spent a lot of time researching St. Augustine’s history. There is a lot of debate about the French and Spanish explorers and their battles to claim it. As you can imagine, I tend to side with the Spaniards, but I don’t have anything against the French. The two groups are part of what makes St. Augustine such an enjoyable place to live. We also have a lot of pirate history surrounding the area which can make for interesting adventures. Getting back to the history of St. Augustine. One of the battles that determined St. Augustine’s Spanish heritage was between Pedro Menendez de Aviles and Jean Ribault of France. Jean Ribault’s lead ship is believed to be on the ocean floor in the Cape Canaveral area. I’ve coordinated an enterprise to dive for it. Maybe I’ll find it before the expedition planned for St. Augustine’s 450th anniversary.

Sorry, as you can see I am passionate about my work. If the new girl at work doesn’t cause too much trouble, everything should go smoothly. Unfortunately, her name is Blaze and trouble seems to follow wherever she goes. Here’s hoping my plans don’t go up in flames.

Chat with Ace Masters

Our final guest before the release of the first story for one of the Masters Men’s sisters, is Assistant District Attorney, Ace Masters, from Her Master of Hearts.

Ladies and GenAceChattlemen, I’m thrilled to be here. Although my brothers think I’ve always got my legal or big brother hat on, I will try to be more approachable during our time together. Since I just got back from a few days off to play with my girls, please forgive the beard. I didn’t have time to shave before I needed to be available. Besides, Gina said she liked it. 🙂  For some reason, probably the fact that the other two are in more dangerous careers than I am, I look a bit younger though I am the oldest, so the beard helps. In order for you to post more thought provoking questions, I’ll tell you a little bit about my story.

To be honest, when Her Master of Hearts began I wasn’t certain of anything anymore. It was a scary place for me because I always pride myself on being in control. When both of my brothers found happiness in relationships, I started to wonder why I still keep my distance. After an attempt on my life, it all came back to me. I might not be a cop or in the military like my brothers, but some folks don’t take kindly to being put in prison, and I’m very good at doing just that. Unfortunately, the only person I  trusted to help me figure out who is targeting me is the one person who pushes all my buttons, my brother Tres’ partner, Gina. Her help puts a target on her back as well. Can I stop the person aiming for her, or will I lose her because I’m afraid to take a chance?

We have until July 21st to chat. On July 22nd my little sister Blaze’s story should be available for pre-sales. She’s a character that one. I can’t tell you much about her story, but I can tell you it isn’t in Colorado, because she’s an underwater archaeologist and Colorado is landlocked. Yeah, her being so far away drives my brothers and me insane.

It would really help stop my worrying about her if you would send me some questions to occupy my mind. You can post your questions or comments on Sandra’s Facebook (Sandra S Kerns Facebook), Twitter (@SandraSKerns), or on her website sandrakerns.com.

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