Where Romance and Suspense Collide

Month: November 2013

Answer to an Indie Writer’s Prayer?

I’ll be honest, I haven’t used these templates yet, but from looking over the website they look like a great idea.

I know many authors I talk to about self-publishing say they haven’t done it because the formatting scares them off. While that isn’t an issue for me, I do understand. It takes time and patience to get through the different steps for all the different formats required. While I do format my own books at the present time, I may look into Book Design Templates (http://www.bookdesigntemplates.com/) in the near future so I can spend more time writing and less playing with the formatting issue.

Plus, if you are participating in NANOWRIMO you can get a discount on the templates.

So, are these the answer to an Indie writer’s prayer? I don’t know, only time will tell. I do know it can’t hurt to check them out and see if they will hep you take that step into Indie Publishing.

Happy writing!

The Butterfly has been released!

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 The Butterfly Connection was released today, 11/12/13!

Woohoo! Is that a lucky release date or what?

You can click the icons below if you want to order it now. Tomorrow afternoon, I want to give you time to read some of it, I will start posting clues to the code on the butterfly’s wings. Before we get too carried away with the contest, tell me what today’s consecutive date did for you.

Was it lucky or unlucky? Good or bad? Inspiring or scary? Come on, inquiring minds want to know. Besides, I’m sure someone somewhere is getting paid to do a study on this. Let’s give them some data.



   Smashwords  CreateSpace - An Amazon Company    Callaghan's Conundrum - Sandra S. Kerns

Release Day is just around the corner!

The Butterfly Connection

Yes, November 12th is the official release day for the next book in the Colorado Skies Series.

BC 1600x2400K+SMThe Butterfly Connection is primed and ready to flutter into your heart and mind. The twists and turns promise to make for an interesting ride.

In conjunction with the release, we will be running a challenge to break the code you see on the butterfly’s wings. The prize will be an autographed copy of the paperback of the book to the first person to crack the code. Don’t be disappointed if you aren’t the first. There will be other prizes throughout the first two weeks of sales. Be warned, it isn’t just some random thing like my name. You will need to read the book to figure out the information in the code. I will post clues throughout the first week of the release. Check the blog daily for new clues.

Happy deciphering!

Sock Munkee Jr. is catching up before the next release!

Are you excited about the upcoming release, Sock?

Are you all caught up with the series? No? well, why not take this weekend to catch up so you know all the players who may appear in the next book. Not sure which books are in the series. Let’s see….

What was the first book in the Colorado Skies Series?


That’s right, Sock! It was Dream Stalker. If you click on the picture of Sock Munkee Jr. holding a copy of Dream Stalker, you’ll see the YouTube video for it. Dream Stalker is available at these fine retailers:

SmashwordsCreateSpace - An Amazon CompanyDream Stalker - Sandra S. Kerns

Rose Cover

Okay, we’ve got the 1st book in the series. The 2nd is Rose of Steele.  This is a must read as at least one of the characters from Rose makes an appearance in The Butterfly Connection. No, I’m not going to tell you which one. You’ll have to figure that one out on your own. Of course, I have the handy links for you to purchase right here:      Smashwords        CreateSpace - An Amazon CompanyRose of Steele - Sandra S. Kerns


Okay, Sock, I gave you that one. Do you remember the 3rd book in the series?

009That’s right, Sock, it’s Callaghan’s Conundrum!  

I ‘ve heard you have a conundrum of your own. Can you tell us about it?

Oh, I see, you’re trying to figure out how to read all the stories before the new one comes out. Well, I see some late nights reading in front of the fireplace in your future. Just don’t tell your mom I said you could stay up that late. Here are the links to pick up Callaghan’s Conundrum.    Smashwords  CreateSpace - An Amazon Company    Callaghan's Conundrum - Sandra S. Kerns



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Don’t forget, you can pre-order The Butterfly Connection so you can start reading it before anyone else on November 12th! That way you’ll be ready for the contest I’ll be posting on release day. So be sure and check back for a chance to win an autographed copy of The Butterfly Connection and other prizes.

Until we post again,

Happy Reading everyone!

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