Where Romance and Suspense Collide

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Day 3 of Christmas Fun with SMJ!

Ready for more of SMJ’s Christmas Countdown?

Christmas Lights and a Sock MonkeyWe’re ready to do some work with the lights. Yes!

As you can see here, Lil Sock really likes bright shiny things. It took a while to dig him out of that bowl of bulbs. Do you remember the episode of The Big Bang Theory with Sheldon in the ball pit? You know, the one titled, The Einstein Approximation. Leonard tried to talk Sheldon into getting out of the pit so the security man could lock up, but Sheldon kept diving under the balls. then Leonard had to dive in and try to find him. Bazinga! That was me with Lil Sock in this big bowl of bulbs. This little guy is fast! I did finally get him out, but it was a chore.

Christmas cocoa mugs and 2 Sock Monkeys

Of course, afterward he wanted a treat because he was hungry, thirsty, and tired from playing. he ran over to the tray Sandra had set up with mugs. He thought the Sock Monkey figure holding a picture frame would help him argue his case. I guess he doesn’t quite have a grasp on real and play figurines. I know what you’re thinking. We’re monkeys made out of socks, we’re not real. Don’t get me started. Have you had the adventures I’ve had? Just check out my uncle Sock’s journey and my adventures ever since. Then we’ll see who’s real and who’s pretend.

Sock in Christmas Tree with the Browns Santa

Back to hanging lights. I gave up on the battle with my cousin and Sandra made us some hot cocoa. After we finished, I thought he would get back to work. No such luck. He ran to the tree and climbed up to the branch where the Brown’s Santa (that’s Sandra’s hubby’s favorite ornament) is lounging in a chair. I know, I know. Santa is supposed to be getting things ready for his big night of special deliveries. Calm down. It’s okay. He just took a few days to soak up some vitamin D and rest. He said the elves at the North Pole have been running him ragged.

You’re probably thinking, that’s not Santa. Santa is bigger and he always wears red. Take a minute and think about it. He’s trying to get some rest. If he went on vacation as he normally looks, kids would be lining up to talk to him everywhere he went. He wouldn’t get any rest. So, he used some of his magic Christmas snow from the North Pole and temporarily shrank himself and his beach attire. I promise, he’ll be back to regular size come Christmas Eve. Unlike Lil Sock, Santa takes his job VERY seriously.Lil Sock with a Christmas Sock Monkey

I guess Sandra finally put her foot down, because the next thing I saw was Lil Sock zinging around the tree moving the lights and hanging all his favorite ornaments. Of course, one of his Christmas Sock Monkeys visited with him. That’s Orna Sock Monkey with him in the picture. Some of his other ornaments are in the picture, too. Up at the top you’ll see a stick horse. Sandra’s mother-in-law made that a long time ago. Lil Sock really likes to ride it around the house during the holidays. He’s always tripping someone up when he does. Then there’s the little teddy bear ornament behind him. He likeIMG_20151116_094938s to use that one as a pillow for naps after all the hard work of decorating.

I did finally manage to get a couple of things done at my house. This first picture is black and white because I thought it made the cat’s eyes look like Christmas lights. I can’t remember which cat it was as we have four running around and two of them look almost identical. This is one of the twins as I call them. IMG_20151116_094218

This second pic gives you a better view of my tree. Isn’t it pretty? This is me hanging the first ornaments. You have to look close to see what they are. Yep, you guessed it, they’re shoes. These shoes are part of the cover for Sandra’s next release, Mastering the Brides.

As you can see we were quite busy yesterday. Lil Sock was busy being silly and I was busy running around after him trying to get him to help with the decorating. These crazy kids can wear a monkey out. Then again, they make all the holiday preparations that much more fun. I mean, who can’t laugh when they see a sock monkey next to Santa in a Brown’s shirt on a lounge chair. Am I right?

A little later today I’ll post our adventure of decorating Sandra’s office. This should be a blast.
So, what’s YOUR favorite Christmas ornament? Is there a story behind it? Tell me. I love Christmas stories.

Oh, and if you hurry, you can be the first one to pre-order the new Masters Men series novella, Mastering the Brides. It comes out the day after Christmas! Hurry, it’s available for pre-order on Smashwords right now. I’ll try and see if I can get more links later.



New Release & Series by Cynthia Woolf

I am thrilled to post about my friend Cynthia’s new release, Redeemed by a Rebel the first book in her new series, Destiny in Deadwood. Cynthia is an Amazon Bestselling Western Author among other genres. Please take a moment to check out her note below.Redeemed by a Rebel 300 dpi

I’m so pleased to announce the release of my new book, Redeemed by a Rebel. This is the first book in the Destiny in Deadwood series. Although I was inspired to write the book because I fell in love with the TV series Deadwood, that’s where the similarities end. I don’t have any of the language like they did in the miniseries or anywhere near the amount of sex, although there is some.  🙂 

Jake Anderson killed a man defending his fiancée from a brutal attack, but lost her and his freedom in the process.  Now he’s on the run, hunted by one of her murderers and tormented by the need for vengeance.

Becky Finnegan will do anything to escape her drunken father’s fists, including slave away at their mine.  Her only hope is to strike gold and make a new life for herself somewhere far, far away from Deadwood.  But then Jake arrives and does the unthinkable…forces her to feel, to hope…and to love.
Jake would give his life to protect Becky, but all he can offer her is a broken heart, a criminal’s life, and a past haunted by failure.  How can he save her when he’s already lost himself?  Will he destroy everything, or can the beautiful rebel redeem Jake’s lost soul?

Here is a link to Cynthia’s website for a quick excerpt:  Redeemed by a Rebel

Here are the buy links if you’re ready to take the plunge:

Amazon – http://amzn.com/B00I1GZAU0

Barnes & Noble – http://tinyurl.com/klf5546

Google Play –https://play.google.com/store/books/details/Cynthia_Woolf_Redeemed_by_a_Rebel?id=OXGpAgAAQBAJ&hl=en

All Romance eBooks – https://www.allromanceebooks.com/product-redeemedbyarebel-1404938-158.html

The Butterfly has been released!

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 The Butterfly Connection was released today, 11/12/13!

Woohoo! Is that a lucky release date or what?

You can click the icons below if you want to order it now. Tomorrow afternoon, I want to give you time to read some of it, I will start posting clues to the code on the butterfly’s wings. Before we get too carried away with the contest, tell me what today’s consecutive date did for you.

Was it lucky or unlucky? Good or bad? Inspiring or scary? Come on, inquiring minds want to know. Besides, I’m sure someone somewhere is getting paid to do a study on this. Let’s give them some data.



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Sock Munkee Jr. Celebrates with Sandra S. Kerns


I tell you what, Sock Munkee Jr. is a real sweetheart. Even though he is a little miffed that I didn’t take him to the Death by Chocolate party in Atlanta, he still brought the balloons over for my sister. His, “Congratulations on reaching 10,000 in book sales, Sandra,” is still ringing in my ears. Look at that picture. Isn’t he just the cutest little guy you ever saw?

I promise, when I finish the pre-publication work for my next release, A Daring Proposal, I will start posting his adventures since he moved in with Joy and Pete. You won’t believe how much this guy gets around.

Until then, I plan on using the balloons for inspiration to get my work done so I can sell another 10,000. Thanks again, SMJ. You’re the best!

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