Where Romance and Suspense Collide

Category: The Sock Monkey Series (Page 4 of 4)

Sock Munkee Jr. Celebrates with Sandra S. Kerns


I tell you what, Sock Munkee Jr. is a real sweetheart. Even though he is a little miffed that I didn’t take him to the Death by Chocolate party in Atlanta, he still brought the balloons over for my sister. His, “Congratulations on reaching 10,000 in book sales, Sandra,” is still ringing in my ears. Look at that picture. Isn’t he just the cutest little guy you ever saw?

I promise, when I finish the pre-publication work for my next release, A Daring Proposal, I will start posting his adventures since he moved in with Joy and Pete. You won’t believe how much this guy gets around.

Until then, I plan on using the balloons for inspiration to get my work done so I can sell another 10,000. Thanks again, SMJ. You’re the best!

Sandra S. Kerns’ Blog – Sock Monkey’s Journey

Hi! I know, I’ve been remiss in my blogging duties. But, I have vowed to make a change.

The major part of that change being – this blog is going to be more fun and less about writing. Unless someone asks a particular question about writing, then I will give you a quick post in response. But I promise to quickly return to my silly side.

You know I’m a writer, but I want you to get to know ME, and me to know you. In order to do that I decided to start with a relatively well known personality making an extended visit to my site. Yes, the wildly popular Sock Monkey will be visiting for a while telling us all about his experiences on the road.  I can hear you cheering already.

Here's Sock Monkey resting in his room in NY, in preparation for his trip west.

Here’s Sock Monkey resting in his room in NY, in preparation for his trip west.

We’ll begin this tale in New York with Sock Monkey chillin’ in his room’ before he starts his big journey to Colorado. Oh, didn’t I mention that? Yes, Sock Monkey drove halfway across the country to visit me in Colorado. Actually, he was moving my sister and her beau out here. (They were afraid to make the trip without his protection. He already traveled from Alaska to New York, so he’s considered a world traveler to them.)

As you can see, Sock Monkey is not a little guy. He can also be a bed hog, so if you ever find yourself having to share a hotel room with him, make sure you have two beds.

Back to the journey…The next day they finished loading the truck

Sock Monkey leading the convoy.

Sock Monkey leading the convoy.

and headed west. Sock Monkey was generous and drove the car. I say generous because he had two very unhappy cats, and a couple of crazy flamingos as passengers.  Don’t worry you’ll meet them later, well at least the flamingos. The cats weren’t very cooperative when it came to getting their pictures taken. They were more interested in trying to escape. Sock Monkey persevered with his ever present smile on his handsome face and managed to get everyone to their first hotel stop.

Come back soon for the lowdown on that. You do remember what spending the night in a hotel with pets is like, don’t you?

Until then, happy trails.

Sandra S. Kerns

The Masters Men Series

The Colorado Skies Series

and coming soon – The Colorado Dreams and Desires Series


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