Where Romance and Suspense Collide

Author: sandra@sandrakerns.com (Page 5 of 16)

From eBook to Audio



My guest today is an author friend I met through Bee Zee Books,  Rik Stone. Rik has recently put his debut novel, Birth of an Assassin out in audible form. He graciously agreed to visit and give us a look at his journey into audio publishing. You can click on the picture of the handsome rogue from the UK to learn more about him and his writing, but first let’s jump into the meat of this post.

A cyber friend of mine, author Thomas Drinkard, read and enjoyed my debut novel Birth of an Assasin. He reviewed the work, put it on Amazon, and then made contact. The conversation went something like this:

Tom: Tbirthassassinhought I’d drop you a line to tell you I have read and reviewed your book. You won’t be disappointed, so I don’t mind giving you the link … Giving thought to your work a little later, I think it would make a great audio book; have a look at the site  http://www.acx.com/ and see what you think.

Me: Yeah, thanks, Tom, it looks good, but I think it’s a bit rich for my blood. Thanks for thinking of me, though.

Tom: Look again. It isn’t necessarily going to cost you anything, other than maybe the cover. Read up on the SHARED option.

I studied everything I had overlooked on the previous browsing of the site and saw that until about ten/twelve months ago the option to independently produce an audiobook with ACX was only available to authors in the US. Not anymore, now it also includes the UK and is spreading further, strike one to me! Reading further I found that if the author is willing to split the royalties with the narrator (royalty shared option) then the whole thing can be carried out free of initial costs. For me that meant have an audio book produced or don’t, so the share didn’t seem too important. As an aside, the contract runs for seven years, so if by that time you feel you might have done better somehow elsewhere, that option isn’t dead in the water. Next steps; join ACX using your Amazon account and add your title.

Before I forget, I should mention what was said about the cost of cover work being a possibility. Unlike paperback or eBook, the cover has to be square, 360×360 as I remember. I bypassed that cost by cutting my original cover down to size, missed out a couple of bits that weren’t terribly important and dragged the name Rik Stone down onto the new cover, so the cover was cost free too.

Okay, you’re a member and you’ve claimed that you are the title owner and ACX has accepted that fact. Now you need to find a piece of text from the book that will excite the socks of a prospective narrator, I think off the top of my head it is around 400/500 words, but don’t trust me the site will tell you that. Choose something that is appealing and at the same time will stretch the range of the narrator’s voice. Found it? Then upload it and, as ACX will tell you, wait for the auditions to roll in. There are a lot of books up there begging audition, so I think that suggestion might be a little optimistic. I did have a couple of interested parties, but not enough to call it a stampede. I took the other approach, I searched through the narrators I might like, listened to how they performed samples of other people’s works and found several that sounded right for my stuff, so I made contact with them and told them where to find the auditioning sample. Job done, I waited for a response.

Because the setting of Birth of an Assassin is post war Soviet Russia, I pretty much wanted an actor whose accent was English but didn’t belong to any particular English speaking country. Enter Dennis Kleinman. You can listen to some of his samples of my book at http://rik-stone.com/audio.html and see if you can pin down the origin of his accent; I can’t.

I don’t know if all narrators work the same, but Dennis sent completed chapters to me one or two at a time and I was able to check for accuracy as we went. If there was anything I wasn’t happy with, Dennis changed the work immediately and without complaint, kudos to him. At the end of the work, which took just under three months, I gave it the okay and the rest was down to Dennis. What do I mean by that? It is up to the narrator to produce the sound quality that ACX will accept, so by this time the author is out of the loop.

Once accepted, the audio goes live. Now it is up to both sides, author and narrator, to market the book; another benefit of the shared royalty option, you have just doubled those campaigning on behalf of the audiobook.

My views: Early days to be too definite about anything. My work is available in paperback and eBook for Birth of an Assassin and The Turkish Connection. The eBooks sell copy, the paperbacks look nice on my desk stuck between two wise owl bookends and the audiobook for Birth of an Assassin gives that extra dimension of professionalism. I have several other books queued up behind what is out there awaiting publication and I’m a believer that a single successful book, I mean really successful, will sell everything else you’ve ever written, and this will also apply to that first audio book.

So far what is here, is written in the view of an independent author, but it applies to most authors. Trade published authors don’t necessarily sign away the audio rights with a book contract, so a nod from the publisher can give them the go ahead to do the same with their work.

Good Luck!


RikStonePhotAuthor Bio

Do children born into poverty become impoverished adults? It happens; pitfalls and roadblocks to advancement are everywhere. Rik Stone grew up poor amidst the slum-lands of fifties North East England, leaving school at 15 without any academic qualifications.

After working in shipyards and a stint in the merchant navy he worked quarries in South East England. Life was without horizons until he studied for, and completed, a BSc degree in mathematics and computing.

Taking a company pension at fifty, he was able to follow personal desires and began writing. Now, he is offering up his debut novel Birth of an Assassin, the first in a series. The second book in the series is also now available, The Turkish Connection.

birthassassinBirth of an Assassin Buy links:

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turkishThe Turkish Connection Buy links:

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Reconstructing Roman is Released!

Have you been waiting to get your hands on Roman?

Well, he’s available now.

Want a peek?

ReconstRoman5_600x900Peace is a gift you sometimes have to walk

through fire to receive.

Roman Smirnosky wants nothing more than to work and be left alone. After years of being on his own and building a business, he thinks he’s finally found peace. All that changes with a single phone call informing him his brother is in the hospital and his parents are dead, murdered. Returning to the town he left behind sixteen years ago, he soon realizes, helping his brother is the easy part of returning. Someone has moved into the old Beecher place. A female someone. He figures if nothing else, offering to help with repairs on the Beecher house while he attends to his brother’s farm during his recovery will provide a welcome distraction from the nightmarish memories that haunt him since his return home. He quickly realizes he couldn’t be more wrong when accidents and threatening phone calls start to plague the young woman. He’s definitely no hero, but walking away from a fight isn’t his way either. It doesn’t hurt that her determination and strength tempt him to distraction and his quiet, solitary life is about to be thrown into chaos.

Kaia Beecher’s inheritance is a mixed blessing. It means the parents she adored are gone and she’s heartbroken. However, it also gives her the opportunity to change the direction of her life. After breaking off her engagement and losing a job her heart wasn’t really into, she decides to return to the one place she can where she has happy memories, her grandparents’ farm in Colorado. The farm couldn’t be more different from the high-pressure life of her criminal defense career in New York. Packing the few things she wants to keep and her dog Copernicus, she heads west in search of peace.

What she finds instead is fear, distrust, and threats. Even the handsome man offering to help her repair the farmhouse tells her she should leave. If people hate her family so much, why didn’t her father sell the farm? Why is everyone determined to run her off her property?  She’s determined to find out why someone wants her gone and she won’t leave until she has the answers. She’s also determined to break down the walls Roman has built around his heart and help him stop living in the past. She only hopes that her inquisitive nature along with pure stubbornness will help her find the answers. How can she give love a chance when the caller threatens Roman’s life if she doesn’t do what he wants?



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SMASHWORDS:  http://bit.ly/1LrqQHv

 Continue reading for a chance to win one of 2 Amazon gift cards.

Want a little more of a peek into Roman’s head? Read on.

The Beecher place looked the same when he’d driven by on his way to the Bury Patch this morning as it had every other time since he’d returned to Beechbrook. Deserted. Abandoned. Lonely.

Now, standing in the cemetery with his brother under an umbrella, Roman half listened to the preacher, and looked toward the old farmhouse with a different perspective. The perspective of–

“We can take comfort in the fact that Sarah Smirnosky is at peace now.”

Roman’s eyebrow rose. Peace? He tried to imagine his mother being at peace with having her throat slit. Or with the fear that whoever killed her would soon kill her beloved bastard of a husband. The thought pulled his gaze to the far side of the cemetery. That’s where he’d buried their father earlier before picking Adam up for their mother’s funeral. He’d known Adam didn’t want anything to do with their father’s burial. He’d gone as far as saying he didn’t care if they threw Silas in a dumpster. While Roman agreed with the idea, he knew the authorities would never allow it so he’d arranged to take care of the burial himself.

Just thinking about the bastard sent his blood pressure skyrocketing. Roman admitted to himself that there were people he didn’t care for. Some that he disliked, detested, and even some he abhorred. There was only one for whom he reserved the strongest emotion he new, hate. That would be for the man who had taught him how to hate, Silas Smirnosky, his father. When the umbrella started to shake with his building anger, Roman forced his attention back to the grave he stood beside now.

His mother’s.

Staring at the small coffin, he tried to summon the grief he should feel. Pity was as close as he could come. His gaze strayed to the two older graves beyond hers. The Beecher’s, now there were two people he had grieved over. That pulled his gaze back across the plains to their property again.

When they’d driven to the cemetery for this funeral, he’d seen Kaia Beecher’s SUV and a trailer in the driveway. There’d also been a dull light in the window. The house looked much happier with the light on. He remembered the house always filled with love and laughter, like its owners had been. The Beecher’s were good people. They didn’t deserve . . .

He forced himself not to curse out loud. He couldn’t believe he hadn’t put it together. The Beecher’s had been killed exactly the same way as his parents. The murders may be almost twenty years apart, but otherwise the circumstances were the same.

Movement to his left pulled his attention to his brother. Adam stood with his head bowed. Roman’s realization about the similarities between the murders told him what Adam had seen when he found their mother’s body. The exact same thing I saw at the Beecher’s house.

Wrapping his arm around his brother’s shoulders, he hugged him. What else could he do? He might not feel grief himself, but he loved his brother, and Adam was grieving. Adam was the only reason he was here. His brother was hurting. The emotions caused by that were too many and too strong for Roman to name.

“And so we dedicate Sarah Smirnosky to you, Lord. Amen,” the preacher said and closed his bible.

“She’s not going to like it. It’ll be cold and damp,” Adam whispered to Roman as the coffin was lowered into the hole.

Roman hugged him tighter.

“I put in that old afghan she liked before they closed the casket. She’ll be okay.” Okay? She was dead. An afghan wouldn’t change that, but the nod and whispered thanks he got from Adam made Roman glad he’d followed through on the silly notion.

They both stepped forward and tossed daisies into the grave. Mom loved daisies. The memory caught him off guard. He hadn’t thought about what his mother liked in years. As a rule, he avoided thinking about his parents at all. Doing so only brought him pain. Putting a stop to the self-pity, he watched the preacher step up to them. Once the preacher shook their hands and mumbled the appropriate words of sympathy, he rushed from the cemetery. Roman wondered why he’d pontificated so long if he didn’t want to be here. Then again, who did want to be in a cemetery?

The rhetorical question pulled him back to the past. Some of the best times of his childhood had been here in the Bury Patch with his mother. They would come here and sit under the old tree and she would tell him stories about the people buried here. Having lived in Beechbrook all her life, she knew all the families and their histories. He’d loved listening to her tell him about all the hard-working people buried here. Yeah, he enjoyed her stories. They were a welcome respite from the pain of reality. His gaze again found his father’s grave.

Pain, that was his father’s area of expertise. Shaking off the memories, he returned his focus to the present.

The men he’d paid to take care of the burial started shoveling dirt on top of the casket. Adam raised his hand as if to tell them to stop, but Roman turned him away. He guided his brother down the path toward where he’d parked and helped him climb into the truck. Shutting the door, he walked around to the driver’s side, and closed the umbrella before climbing in the cab. Soaked after just a moment in the rain, he slicked his hair back then glanced at Adam.

His brother stared out the window toward the cemetery, his body shivering. Even though he knew that the chill in Adam’s body had nothing to do with the temperature, Roman flipped the heater to full. Heat poured out of the vents. Heat wouldn’t touch the cold in his brother’s bones caused by the fear and undeserved guilt. No, that chill would only end when Roman proved to him that his presence at the house wouldn’t have changed the outcome.

Okay, it would have changed it, but only for the worse. If Adam had been at the house that night, he would have died too. Roman shivered with the thought.

Driving toward his family’s farm, he drove past the Beecher’s again. He couldn’t imagine why anyone would want to stay at that house knowing what had transpired there, but he was glad. It was as if the house itself knew that changes were coming. He thought the house looked happy. Dragging his hand over his jaw, he shook his head at the odd thought. It was a building not a living being. Then again, since he restored historical houses for a living, he knew how alive they could feel.

He started to say something about the Beecher farm to Adam, but glancing at him stopped the words before they formed. Houses filled with love were not going to mean anything to his brother right now. Neither one of them knew much about such things anyway.

“I think Miss Hattie brought over some of her potato soup this morning. That’ll warm you up,” he said, reaching over and squeezing Adam’s shoulder.

Adam didn’t respond. He continued to stare at the rain outside the passenger window. Roman knew that just as the warmth from the heater hadn’t helped thaw Adam, it was going to take more than soup. Death not only chilled the person buried in the coffin, but those left behind as well. It wound through those left behind like a bone-chilling cancer. For Adam it was worse than most.

Not only had he found their mother’s body, he’d fought with their father the night before. It was the first and last physical altercation between the two men.

Silas Smirnosky preferred psychological abuse for his wife and youngest son. He had always reserved his fists for Roman, the cause of all his problems. The mistake. The unwanted child. Roman only remembered meeting his grandfather on his mother’s side a few times. It had been obvious Silas was afraid of him. So afraid he never hit her. Mom was afraid of both of them and did what she was told. She never questioned anything either one of them said or did and her reward, on occasion, was Silas treating her well for a spell. It was during one of those times she’d conceived Adam. Silas had walked around as if he couldn’t be happier. That was when Roman had understood that Adam was planned, he wasn’t.

It had hurt at first, but then Roman realized it wasn’t Adam’s fault. Then, when his brother was born, he was too damned cute. There was no way Roman could blame him for their father’s twisted mind. As Adam grew, it was obvious Silas treated them differently. It wasn’t that he treated Adam better, though he never hit him, but he was raising him to be obedient. Except that he couldn’t break the bond between the brothers, he’d been successful. That was why Roman had felt it was safe to leave. Silas had never raised a hand to their mother or Adam.

Until the night before they died.

For some reason, that night he had hit their mother. When Adam found out, he had gone straight to the bar, called their father out, and made the biggest mistake of his life. He hit Silas.

Roman’s molars ground against each other hard, sending pain through his jaw.

From the accounts the sheriff and Miss Hattie had given him, Silas had made up for all the years of not hitting Adam. Like Roman before him, Adam managed to make his way to Miss Hattie’s house rather than go to the hospital. The old woman was well versed in tending battered bodies, though this time she took Adam to the clinic. Adam had spent the night there. Now he believed that if he had been home instead, he could have stopped the murders. Roman told him it wouldn’t have mattered. The only difference would be there would be three new graves instead of two.

He scrubbed a hand over his face again. Hell, he didn’t even want to think about that. His brother was the only family that had ever believed in him. Besides, if anyone were to blame it would be him. If he had killed the bastard sixteen years ago, whatever their father had gotten himself tangled up in now wouldn’t have happened. Adam and mom would be fine, and all would be well.

But it wasn’t.

Hiding the anger that failure brought had sweat breaking out on Roman’s forehead. He glanced over at Adam, glad to find him still staring out the window. Upsetting him more wouldn’t help anything. What he needed to concentrate on was taking care of the farm, the financial mess their father left behind, and finding out who killed them. He sure as hell wasn’t leaving it up to the sheriff. The law had never done anything for a Smirnosky. Roman didn’t expect that to change any time soon.


Website:  http://sandrakerns.com/

Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/SandraSKernsRomanceAuthor

Blog:  http://sandrakerns.com/ramblings-reviews/

Twitter:  https://twitter.com/sandraskerns

Linkedin:  http://www.linkedin.com/pub/sandra-kerns/54/2a1/827/

Pinterest:  https://www.pinterest.com/sandrakerns96/

Amazon:  http://amzn.to/1TFaTmz

Smashwords:  http://www.smashwords.com/profile/view/Kernsy

Goodreads:  https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/6479342.Sandra_S_Kerns

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Review of Sea Breeze by Jennifer Senhaji

Sea Breeze Review by Sandra S. Kerns

First, let me introduce you to author Jennifer Senhaji in her own words.Jennifer's Author Photo

I was born and raised in San Francisco, CA, and have a husband and two children. Music is an addiction. I can often be found in the car, singing along at the top of my lungs to whatever is playing. I work full time, and I split my spare time between family, reading, blogging, and writing. I’m a habitual quoter. Lines from films and TV shows constantly pop into my head—my kids are the only ones that really get it. I’m an only child, and so of course I married a man who is one of ten children. Other than English, I speak Spanish, Moroccan, and a little French. I love to travel, but don’t do enough of it. Reading has been a passion for most of my life and I now love writing. I’m a klutz, and in my own mind, I’m hilarious.


Sea Breeze

Want a fast, fun, exciting read? Check out Jennifer Senhaji’s Sea Breeze available now on Amazon just click the book cover to buy it.

I read this book through in one sitting because I was enjoying myself so much. To me this is a story of metamorphosis. Jordan has lived her entire life responsibly because there was no other choice she could see. When an unexpected chance to spread her wings drops in her lap after an emotional life event, she grabs hold and never looks back. Well, maybe once or twice, but she never turns back. She has decided to try new things and a cruise ship is just the place for that. (Have you seen the activities on the ships nowadays?) Anyway, the one thing she isn’t looking for is one of the first she finds, a HOT man. Not only hot, but fun and sweet without being syrupy. Their journey through the Caribbean was so much fun because the author made you feel like you were right there. You could feel the humidity and the ocean breezes. There is romance, a cruise, you visit Puerto Rico, and watch the characters’ voyage through self-discovery. A great read from every perspective.

That’s my take, actually there’s so much more but I don’t want to spoil the fun for you. I do have permission to give you a little excerpt to whet your appetite, but before that here’s a little more insight into the story. Be sure to read all the way through the post. At the end there’s a special prize!


Jordan has never been in love, or been anywhere. Trapped in Vegas, she schleps drinks and dodges losers, while suffering under a burden only she can shoulder. Her life is an endless stretch of blah with no escape.

Until now.

Instead of looking back, she’s sailing forward.

Eric has left his family and friends in San Francisco to travel the world, tending bar on a cruise ship to fund his adventures. He can charm any coed who comes aboard, but Jordan sees right through him.

On the blue cobblestone streets of San Juan, everything changes. Food. Music. Exotic locations. Possibilities. Setting out to discover the world, will Jordan discover herself?

Sometimes, adventure can set you free…

An Excerpt from Sea Breeze

The ship is still in port, so the wind is minimal as I scoot out of my shorts and step into the pool. The water is warm and I dive to the bottom. Back at the surface, I float on my back and gaze up at the blue sky and white puffy clouds above me. My arms fan out around me and I sigh, content. No worries, no responsibilities. No rushing home. My time is finally mine now. Guilt tightens my chest and a tear forms in the corner of my eye. I dive back under the water to wash it away. I couldn’t stop it, no matter how hard I tried. Nothing I did was ever enough.

I swim around for a while, trying to clear my head, and stretching my leg muscles. After all the walking today, I’m bound to be sore tomorrow. After about thirty minutes, I step out of the pool and sink into the hot tub. I rest my head on the ledge and my eyes close on their own.

A while later, an older couple joins me in the steamy water. I smile at them in turn and lean back, taking in the evening sky. Hints of a beautiful sunset are on the horizon. I’ve been soaking for a while now, and my fingertips are all pruned. I smile again at the couple as they exchange a quick kiss, and take my leave. Drying off, I slip back into my shorts. I can’t help flashing back to the moment I shared with Eric. I really wanted him to kiss me, but it’s probably for the best that he didn’t.

Back in my room, I find Kim lounging on her bed, flipping through a magazine.

“Hey, where have you been all day?”

I take a seat on my bed opposite hers. “I went ashore and spent the day in San Juan. It was amazing. What did you do? Did you go ashore?”

“No. I nursed a horrible hangover until about two in the afternoon. By then, it was too late to consider going. I ended up meeting a couple of my friends for Bloody Marys by the pool, and then we went to dinner.”

“Did you have fun last night?”

“We had a blast. You have to come out tonight, Jordan.”

“What’s on the agenda tonight?”

“We’re all going to meet up at Allure around ten. It’s the nightclub here on the ship. Are you in?”

Allure… That’s where Eric works tonight. He said he’d buy me a drink.  “Yeah. I’m in.”

I hope you enjoyed this excerpt from Sea BreezeIf you would like to connect more with Jennifer here are links to her social media and a chance to win a cool prize.


Website: www.jennifersenhajiauthor.com

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jsenhaji13

Twitter: https://twitter.com/jsenhaji13

Blog: http://jennifersenhaji.blogspot.com

Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/jennifersenhaji

Smashwords: https://www.smashwords.com/profile/view/Jsenhaji

Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/author/jennifersenhaji


Win an eBook copy of Sea Breeze and a $5 Amazon gift card from PageCurl Publishing and Promotion. Leave a blog comment with your idea of a dream vacation to be entered to win. Winner will be announced on PageCurl’s Facebook page a week from today!


Nanny Nikki & 5 Nanny Websites

When I decided to make one of my characters a nanny, I needed to do a little research. I wanted to share some of my thoughts about Nikki as well as some of the research with you. There’s more involved in being a nanny than just loving kids so I’ve also put links with the pictures to give you some more options about childcare. Let’s take a look.

NannyThis image is one that played through my mind often as I was writing about Nikki Bradford and Carson in Her Master Match. I know, I know. You’re saying but Nikki had brown hair and Carson’s was super blond. Well, I say, I’m glad you paid so much attention to detail while reading, but the physical attributes aren’t what I’m talking about here. I’m thinking more of how Carson adored her and loved when she would play with him. This image has the woman enjoying her time with the child. It doesn’t look like just a job. I imagine being a nanny is more like a calling.

Having raised two sons of my own, and babysat for many children growing up, I can tell you it isn’t a picnic. Granted, I Tired Nannywouldn’t change it for the world, but then, the sons were mine. Being wrapped up in loving and caring for them was an amazing blessing. Focusing such intense love and care on someone else’s children all the time, I’m not sure it would work for me. Let’s face it. In this day and age, there are so many small things a person can do that can be misinterpreted with their own children; it would be scary raising kids of your own. Throw the fact that they aren’t your own into the mix, and it gets even more difficult.

Oh, I’m sure there are people out there who ARE nannies but shouldn’t be. I’m also certain there are people out there who would be wonderful nannies but are afraid to do so. Why?

  • Possible accusations of abuse
  • Possible abuse by the family
  • Lagirl w booboock of knowledge in emergencies
  • First aid for injuries to children while playing
  • Broken heart syndrome when they have to leave (yeah, I made that one up, but it would probably be #1 on my personal list).


I’m sure there are many more bullets we could add to this list. These were just some that popped into my mind when I was writing the sRedCrossBabysittory. Nikki overcame most of these through practice and education. I know I don’t go into detail in the story, but I did have her work in a daycare facility while she was in boarding school with Gina. Knowing what a caring individual she is I imagined she had also taken classes (as my oldest took the Red Cross Babysitting Classes) and more. Thinking about that made me realize that some of my readers might be interested in more information about Nikki’s chosen career field. Therefore, without further ado, here are five sites I found with various information on nannies.

 5 Websites about Nannies

  •  How to Become a Nanny: Career Guide:
    • “Research the requirements to become a nanny. Learn about the job description and duties, and read the step-by-step process to start a career in as a nanny.”
  •  Nanny Training Courses & Certifications:
    • “Why do you need nanny training? The 2013 Nanny of the Year, Joanne Barrow, says that the courses she took “immediately doubled my salary and opened up a lot of doors.”  Whether you’re just starting out or are a seasoned pro, there’s always more to learn about being a nanny. Luckily, there are lots of certifications, courses and education programs out there to help. While there is no formal training required for nannies to actually become nannies, these specialized classes will turn you into a more professional and knowledgeable caregiver.”
  •  America’s Nannies:
    • “Since 1984, Amerca’s Nannies has been using a unique and careful screening process for both nanny and family to ensure a perfect fit.”
  •  Nanny Institute:
    • “Our database contains a nationwide registry of the best rated nanny agencies in the country and includes all major and small local agencies as well as independent nannies.”
  •  Nanny Agencies in Colorado:
    • Reviews of nannies and nanny agencies in CO from the Nanny Institute.
  •  Be a Nanny Overseas:
    • “Global Aupair & Nanny is a specialized division of The Global Work & Travel Co. working together with various international aupair & nanny agencies to offer you the opportunity to get out there and see the world!”

I hope these sites have given you a new insight into the world of being a nanny. I think broken heart syndrome would be my biggest worry if this were my career. What about you? Do you think you’re up to the ‘nanny challenge’?



The Voices are Back!


A Little Bit About My Writing Process

BtrFlyBride4smallOkay, so it’s been a while since I posted anything. Apologies. I did let life get away from me for a bit. You understand how it is. We went on vacation, and then I had to get Butterfly Bride out for my readers before Christmas, then the holidays, and deadlines for my next release looming. Well, you get the picture. I was a tad overwhelmed.

What happens when I’m overwhelmed? The voices go away. Yep, you heard me, the voices. No, no, no, I’m not schizophrenic, or delusional. At least, I don’t think I am. Unlike Sheldon, my mother never had me tested. 🙂

I’m talking about my characters. If my characters didn’t talk to me, I wouldn’t have any stories to old housewrite. When my brain gets overwhelmed with STUFF, my characters go into hiding. I try to get them to play, but they won’t. Until I stop, take a breather, relax, and maybe get a little organized, they board up the windows and refuse to come out or even turn on the lights. During those times most of what I write is a waste of time and ends up in the recycle bin on my desktop. Hey, at least I recycle, right?

Anyway, to get me back on track my sister (read – editor) gave me a birthday present that kicked the IMG_0516boards off the windows. (See my new inspiring coffee mug on the messy desk.) My characters started dancing and singing, vying for my attention. What does that mean? I finally started writing things I didn’t have to recycle and I finished the next Masters Men book. Wait! Don’t run over to Amazon yet. I said I finished it. Now we’re working on edits, but it will be out in late February.

So, if you want, copy the pic of my coffee mug. Post it on your desktop, phone, tablet, anywhere you need that little extra inspiration to get moving again. You don’t have to be a writer, either. Hey, the voices can be any one. There are times my characters get shoved aside by the voice of a trainer I used to have and Martin starts asking why I haven’t been exercising lately. Unfortunately, Martin moved back to New Zealand, so he can’t harass me in person anymore. Believe me, he had the accent that could make me work out whether I wanted to or not. That’s why ‘that voice’ has a really cool accent.

Granted, for most people ‘the voices’ are more or less your subconscious trying to tell you something. Even when that’s the case, such as my ex-trainer’s voice, it’s best to listen. It means you really need to do something or at the very least, think about something.  So take a minute to listen to that voice in your head and be cordial. Give it an answer, or better yet, write the answer down because that will help you remember it.

Until next time,

Happy Reading!



Which Book to Enter

I’m having a hard time deciding which book, or books, to enter in the Colorado Romance Writer’s Award of Excellence contest. Can you help? It has to be a book published in 2014. Vote for the one or two  you like best in the comments section.

GC1600x2400K_SMGathering Clouds – published in January

Dreams and desires are different for everyone. They can be simple or complicated. Sometimes life has been so hard we forget what it means to dream about anything. Who has time for desires with all it takes to just keep our heads above water. Such is the case for Gabrielle and Theo. Two people with such different outlooks on life and people it’s amazing they even meet. But sometimes our dreams make us do desperate things.
Gabrielle can’t let her restaurant close after fifty years of uninterrupted service. She is desperate. Her head chef is walking out and she needs a new one to stay open. If she loses the Silver Lining it would kill her. She needs someone willing to start immediately, but all the talented chefs already have jobs. A friend recommends a man just released from the prison where she works. Word was he planned to return to Colorado. Can she put her dream in the hands of an ex-con?
Theo returned to his hometown in hopes he had been forgotten. His only desire is to get work in a kitchen and live as invisibly as possible. Jobs are hard to come by for an ex-con. When a petite pixie walks into the gym and offers him one, Theo doubts it has anything to do with his culinary skills. After spending three years in prison for trying to help someone, he has no intention of doing anything that might land him back there. Unfortunately, what he wants and what he gets are usually in direct opposition to one another.
Can Gabrielle trust the Silver Lining to a man who only sees clouds looming on the horizon? Can Theo learn to trust enough to help someone again? Will they both be victims in the twisted games of others?



Eenie Meanie Minie No! – published in April

Nikki Sterces is a high school English teacher with a past. That past returns with a vengeance reeking havoc on her quiet life. Threatening phone calls are only the beginning. Shortly after one of these calls, her high school sweetheart, now Detective Joseph Fitzpatrick, knocks on her door and informs her they believe her uncle has been murdered. Can this be the answer to her prayers? Will her fears all disappear with the death of her lecherous uncle? It doesn’t take long to realize the answer to that question is no.
Joe Fitzpatrick’s adopted son fears losing his father and being alone. This motivates Joe to return to Pinecrest, Colorado where the crime rate isn’t half what it was in Chicago. At least, it wasn’t when he grew up there. Now, he’s investigating a murder that brings him face to face with the love of his life. The woman who stole his heart and disappeared. He remembers her as an innocent, but she’s changed since he knew her in high school. Could she really have killed her uncle? Worse than that, could she be killing the other members of her high school clique? No one can change that much, can they?


Her Master Diver – published in July

Blaze thought leaving school would get her life back on track. It seems to be working as she’s invited on the dive of her dreams. Then life throws her into a storm, a break-in, hit and run, sabotage and murder all center around her.
Lazaro hates treasure hunters. The excitement Blaze has for every item found on a dive has him suspicious she is one. His physical attraction to her only feeds his distrust. When she’s added to the people on the team to dive for La Trinité, he’s furious. Before they set sail, he finds himself protecting her from a stalker she denies exists. Will her stalker follow them on the dive? Will he be able to protect her? Will he be able to protect his heart when he sees her true colors?
Can Blaze and her charismatic project manager unravel the problems surrounding the expedition, or will her Masters men brothers have to fly out to save the day?

HaHarlan5rlan’s Haven – published in November on Veteran’s Day

Harlan Granger is facing a fate worse than death. He’s been discharged from the Army thanks to a piece of shrapnel near his spine. He was born to be a soldier and hasn’t a clue what to do as a civilian. Hopefully, he can keep himself occupied with work on his parents’ house until the worst happens. All too soon, he realizes the peace and quiet he so desperately needs to heal and think isn’t to be found in his hometown. Trouble has found it’s way to Bluff’s Corner, and it’s centered around his brother’s business. His brother’s pixie-like neighbor has Harlan’s trouble radar going off the charts. It’s not just his attraction to her that has him second-guessing himself, he’s sure she’s hiding secrets of her own, secrets that could be dangerous both to her and his brother.
Rilie Lazar is finally beginning to enjoy life. The people in Bluff’s Corner, Colorado are friendly but not nosey. Her quilting business is going well and her best friend is the funniest guy she’s ever known. At least, he was until the night his brother walked into the bar. He might be the best looking Alpha male she’s ever met, but he’s putting a definite damper on the atmosphere. Worse, he’s bringing back memories she would rather keep buried. Memories that have her looking over her shoulder and being on guard all the time. She thought she left all that behind, but what if he’s right? What if her past has followed her to Colorado? Can she keep her friend and his brother out of harm’s way or will they pay the ultimate price to keep her safe?


Butterfly Bride – published in December

Two years have past since Artemis told Emma he would call and she said she would answer. Artemis drives down to Chapel, Colorado in a storm, to propose to Emma who is now working at the Colorado office of Clandestine Investigations, but even if she says yes, will it ever happen? They have to work their way through sabotage of a friend’s bar, the escape of their nemesis from prison, and murders. That doesn’t even take into account their own uncertainties about their relationship. ? Someone is sabotaging their friend’s bar and trying to ruin Clandestine Investigations where Emma now works. Will they ever make it to the alter or will one of them pay the ultimate price to save the other? Emma starts to doubt she’ll ever be a butterfly bride.

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