Where Romance and Suspense Collide

Month: October 2013

Sock goes to the Colorado Romance Writers’ Romance Lover’s Tea

SMJ ready to go


It’s October and Sock Munkee Junior is ready to go to the CRW Romance Lover’s Tea. He’s reallyminions

e he has a bunch of friends going too.

Yes, all these little guys attacking my aunt’s office are excited about going to the tea and hopefully finding a new home. They’re even offering the people at my aunt’s table a chocolate candy to sweeten the deal.  Off to the tea!



Okay, we got to the event and found this great table that my aunt, Sandra S. Kerns co-sponsored with author Leslee Breene. Leslee really liked me. She also liked my friends. She was so tickled, she asked to have her picture taken with us. This is Leslee with me and her new Sock Munkee friend. He’s really happy to be going home with someone who likes him so much.



Another author at our table, T. L. Morganfield, is going to set up a place for her new friend on her writing desk as inspiration. Wow, he was so excited he snuggled right up beside her for the rest of the event!

Authors Jenn LeBlanc and Larie Brannick were also happy to receive one of my buddies, but were a bit camera shy. I can’t tell you how excited I was for my friends to find new exciting homes to call their own. Maybe you will see them around at book signings. You never know, the sky’s the limit for them now.

I suppose I should get back to the Romance Lover’s Tea now. It was a sold out event and the room was filled with excited readers and writers chatting and getting to know each other. Although it’s reported that writing can be a lonely business, I can tell you first hand that writers, especially romance writers love meeting and hearing from their readers. It warms their hearts and inspires them to keep writing the stories you all love so much.


All of the published authors in attendance received roses. Here’s my aunt receiving hers from CRW President Hillary Seidl. There were over 30 authors there so it took a while to hand out all of those roses. It was exciting to see first time authors receive their first rose as well as New York Times best selling authors like Courtney Milan and Joan Johnston. New and multi-published alike were thrilled to receive their rose and recognition from their peers and fans.

After they all got their roses we gathered for a group photo. (My aunt took me along, too) I was so excited! It was a tight fit to get all of us in the shot, but our photographers did a great job. Look at all of these smiling faces! Why are they smiling? Because they write romance – the books that can help you get through the tough spots in life as our keynote speaker, Courtney Milan told us.

and I have just returned from the Colorado Romance Writers’ Romance Lover’s Tea. A great time was had by all, readers and writers alike. There were yummy treats, fun conversation, giveaways, and loads of free books. What more could a romance reader ask for, right?




  And last, but my personal favorite, my photo center stage on the table so I could see all the festivities. Do you like my sparkly bow-tie?

I hope you enjoyed this insight into Colorado Romance Writer’s wonderful Romance Lover’s Tea. Keep checking back for more of my adventures. I hope to see you soon!

                                                              Sock Munkee Jr.

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